The new issue of The Gurdjieff Journal, #79 is just out!
Established in 1992, the Journal is the first and only publication devoted to Mr. Gurdjieff’s teaching of The Fourth Way. Its editor and founder is William Patrick Patterson, a leading international exponent and teacher of The Fourth Way.
Timely, informative, and based on original research, the Journal explores esoteric and societal issues of our day through a rich array of articles, essays and reviews. It offers new perspectives on the teaching and ways to apply the teaching to one’s ordinary life.
Here is what awaits you in the newest issue:
- Horn-Burton-Braverman—The Pseudo Holy Trinity
- Two Ex-Robert Burtonites
- Almaas & the Pseudo Lineage
- Probe: The Struggle to…
- Book Review: Growing a Soul on the Planet Earth: The Fourth Way & Esoteric Christianity Techniques & Practices by Ron & Claire Levitan
- Book Review: The Gurdjieff Movements: A Communication of Ancient Wisdom by Wim van Dulleman
- Atis, the Bloodless Sacrifice Part I, Chapter XII
- Kultur, Sayings and Letters
Pricing for all subscriptions—domestic and international:
4 issues—$18.00; 8 issues—$30.00; 12 issues—$40.00. Issues sent in PDF format.
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