Tag: Patterson
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The Gurdjieff Journal
Current Issue – #83 Volume 21 Issue 3 Issue Articles Now What?Gurdjieff & UFOs — The Facts RevealedParabola Magazine & the Creation of The Gurdjieff Journal &….Book Review: Time & Free Will by Henri BergsonAtis, the Bloodless Sacrifice Part I, Chapter XIII (Part 2)Kultur, Sayings and Letters The Gurdjieff Journal, established in 1992, is the…
The Gurdjieff Journal #81
The new issue of The Gurdjieff Journal, #81 is just out! Established in 1992, the Journal is the first and only publication devoted to Mr. Gurdjieff’s teaching of The Fourth Way. Its editor and founder is William Patrick Patterson, a leading international exponent and teacher of The Fourth Way. Timely, informative, and based on original…
Teachers of No-thing & Nothing: Eating the “I” Parts II & III
by William Patrick Patterson With this book, his tenth and last, William Patrick Patterson completes his spiritual memoir. Eating The “I”, the first part, published in 1992, focused on his experience with his teacher Lord John Pentland, the man Mr. Gurdjieff chose to lead The Fourth Way in America. Questioning what is the self in…
The Gurdjieff Journal #80
Volume 20 No. 4 Dedicated to Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff—January 13, 1872–October 29, 1949 For more information or to subscribe visit: GurdjieffLegacy.Org
Fourth Way Seminar
Seminar with William Patrick PattersonExploringThoughtless Perception Friday, May 24 – Monday, May 27, 2019 Santa Sabina Retreat CenterSan Rafael, California Through guided meditation, Haida yoga, dialogue and private interviews, William Patrick Patterson explores the theme. Open to all levels of simplicity. No previous experience necessary. Because space is limited and past seminars have filled quickly,…
Seminar with William Patrick PattersonExploring The I Am & I Am Not Friday, March 1 – Monday, March 4, 2019 Redemptorist Renewal CenterTucson, Arizona Through guided meditation, Haida yoga, dialogue and private interviews, William Patrick Patterson explores the theme. Open to all levels of simplicity. No previous experience necessary. Because space is limited and past…
Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: The Man, The Teaching, His Mission
The author’s ninth and final book on the Work is a comprehensive and factual account of Gurdjieff and The Fourth Way. Material from all of Gurdjieff’s direct students and their library archives, much of it not available until recently, is assembled in chronological form as it happened. The aim is to give an…
The Gurdjieff Journal™ Current Issue #76 Vol 19 Issue 4 Discovering Man’s Hidden Consciousness Part I The Ideally-Unique-Subjective-Phenomenon: TIME II Coming Home to My Body Asaf on the Run Atis, the Bloodless Sacrifice Part I, Chapter IX cont. Letters Sayings Kultur For more information or to subscribe visit: GurdjieffLegacy.org.