These, then, were the lords of Cavec, nine lords, each one of which had his great house, which afterward will appear again.
Here then are the lords of Nihaib. The first was Ahau-Galel, then Ahau-Ahtzic-Vinac, Galel-Camhá, Nima-Camhá, Uchuch-Camhá, Nim-Chocoh-Nihaibab, Avilix, Yacolatam, Utzam-pop-Zalclatol, and Nimá-Lolmet-Ycoltux, the nine lords of Nihaib.[375]
And as for those of Ahau-Quiché, these are the names of the lords: Ahtzic-Vinac, Ahau-Lolmet, Ahau-Nim-Chocoh-Ahau, and Ahau-Hacavitz, four lords of Ahau-Quiché, in the order of their great houses.
And the house of Zaquic had two families, the Lords Tzutuhá and Galel Zaquic. These two lords had only one great house.[376]
[370] The Great chosen one of Cavec. "They were three, the Great chosen," says Ximénez (La Historia del Origen ... etc.), "like the fathers of all the Lords of the Quiché." There was a Great [one] chosen by each one of the principal clans.
[371] The counsellor Chituy, minister of the treasury.
[372] The agent, or accountant, and collector of tributes.
[373] The counsellor of the long ball-court.
[374] The majordomo, according to Brasseur de Bourbourg.
[375] In this enumeration, which agrees with the original manuscript, the ten names of the lords of the House of the Nihaib appear. Brasseur de Bourbourg reduces the number to nine, combining the names of Yacolatam-Utzam-pop-Zaclatol.
[376] These were the two large branches of the Zaquic-Cotuhá, according to the Título de los Señores de Totonicapán. The honors and functions of the Court were divided among the lords of each family, according to its category. First was the Ahpop, or king, after whom in the legal order of succession, the Ahpop Camhá followed. Writing about the middle of the sixteenth century, Las Casas (Apologética Historia de las Indias, Chap. CCXXXIV, p. 616) says: "That supreme king had certain principal men of counsel, who had charge of justice and advised about what should be done in all business affairs. It is said today by the Indians who saw it, that they were like the Oidores which are in Guatimala in the Royal Audience. They saw the tributes which were collected from the kingdom and they divided and sent to the king what was assigned for the support of his person and estate."
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