Hunahpú and Vucub-Hunahpú-their leather pads[96] and rings[97] and gloves[98] and crown[99] and masks[100] which were the playing gear of Hun-Hunahpú and Vucub-Hunahpú.

Now we shall tell of their journey to Xibalba and how they left behind them the sons of Hun-Hunahpú, Hunbatz, and [Hun] Chouén,[101] whose mother had died.

Then we shall tell how Hunbatz and Hunchouén were overcome by Hunahpú and Xbalanqué.

[96] Tzuun, leather leggings, according to Ximénez. They were the leathers with which they covered their legs and thus protected them against blows by the hall.

[97] Baté, rings, collar for the neck (Vocabulario Quiché-Cakchiquel).

[98] Pachgab, gloves.

[99] Yachvach, crown, or adornment which they wore on the head.

[100] Vachzot, rim of the face, according to Ximénez, "mask." All of these objects were necessities for their strenuous ball game, and as decorations for the ball players.

[101] Like this in the original, by Hun-Chouén.

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